The BLUE WAYUP RANGE is the answer and belongs to the mobile lift category.
It uses the patented WAYUP movement, which takes care of the patient’s partial or complete lack of leg tone.
The strap is positioned at waist level, with the strap under tension and the patient’s back glued to the backrest.
Hands rest on the handles and arms outstretched to tone the torso.
Fast, full extension of the lifting arm gives an upright position.
Partial deployment of the lift arm combined with the Dorsal Strap ‘s gluteal strap gives a seated position.
The patient must be able to place both feet flat.
Legs secured by height-adjustable shin support and heel wedge, lifting movement is possible.
The positions thus obtained enable the patient’s mobility and transit to be activated, and facilitate care tasks such as diapering, washing and toileting.